
Current Physical for Kindergarten (information for Pre-K student):
Every Pre-K and Kindergarten student will need a current physical examination before he/she can be admitted to class. The physical must include the date of assessment within a calendar year of the first day of school for the year they attend Pre-K and Kindergarten. This requirement is in accordance with Code of Virginia, Sections 22.1-270. The Code does not extend a grace period for complying with this requirement. Therefore, any student who does not have a physical examination form in compliance with the law will not be allowed to attend school until their parent can present one to the school nurse.  

The student who attended Pre-K the previous year before attending Kindergarten, may also need additional immunizations in order to meet State requirements for entrance into Kindergarten. If shots are needed, your school nurse will send you a letter at the end of their Pre-K year indicating which ones are required before they can attend kindergarten. Once you have the completed physical and/or proof of the shots we show are needed, take them into your school nurse. Without this documentation, the Kindergarten student will not be able to attend school. 
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