PPS to remain all-virtual until cases drop

PPS to remain in all-virtual setting through start of the second semester
Posted on 01/07/2021
PPS to remain in all-virtual setting through start of the second semester

At the Jan. 7 meeting of the School Board of the City of Portsmouth, the Board voted unanimously to keep students in an all-virtual setting until COVID-19 positivity rates drop dramatically.

Previously, schools were scheduled to return to in-person instruction on a phased reopening beginning Tuesday, Feb. 2. However, with the current positivity rate above 18 percent, Board members voted to postpone rescheduling a back to school reopening plan until rates remain below the 10-percent mark for a period of 10 days.

With this decision, staff members will continue to be able to telework when possible and not have to report in-person beginning Tuesday, Jan. 19 as was previously scheduled. In addition, meal distribution will continue to be provided for families during this extended virtual schedule. For reminders about the division’s feeding program, visit ppsk12.us.

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