English Learner Assessments
The EL staff utilize student’s ACCESS for ELLs assessment data, WIDA Model, classroom performance, and SOL data to plan instruction. Throughout the year, the EL teacher works with the classroom teachers to provide appropriate accommodations and modifications, choose effective strategies, and assist with the implementation of selected strategies.
All English learners participate in an annual English proficiency assessment (ACCESS for ELLs). Students who test proficient after being in the ESL program are designated "Level 6 Reaching 1" (Monitor Year 1) or "Level 6 Reaching 2" (Monitor Year 2) for two consecutive years. These designations mean that the students are considered to be "Formerly Limited English Proficient" (FLEP) and have officially completed the ESL program. The students do not receive services from an ESL teacher. These students are monitored and may be re-enrolled if necessary.