School and Building Rentals
The school division uses an online system to manage school and building rental requests. Here's how it works:
Already have a User Account? Log in here: ML Schedules
Need a User Account? Follow these steps:
Go to Rental Request Website: ML Schedules
Select the “Create New Account” option on login screen.
Enter User Information (name, email address, etc.)
Enter Group Information about the organization (group name, phone number, mailing address, etc.)
Select the Group Classification that most closely aligns with your Group.
Note: A PPS Administrator can approve or change the Group Classification to ensure accuracy. In some cases, you will not be able to submit Facility Use Requests until your Group is approved.
Note for Non-District Groups: Provide info about your Group’s insurance:
Select the Choose File button to search your computer’s files and upload you’re a current Insurance Certificate (PDF or JPG formats).
Enter the Expiration Date from the Insurance Certificate.
Upload additional files relating to your Group in the Additional Group Files section.
Note for Non-Profits: It is recommended that you upload a 501(c)(3) form so PPS has proof of the Group’s nonprofit status.
After you enter all information, select the Create User Account button at the bottom of the screen.
An email message confirming your registration will be sent to the email address you entered. Keep this message for your records.
Once you have an account, you can follow the instructions on the MasterLibrary screen to submit a rental request. You can request a specific date and time, a specific location, a recurring event, or multiple locations.
From there, PPS staff will review your request, approve it, or deny it. You will receive an email notification about the decision. You can also log in to your account to check the status of your request.