Registration FAQs

How do I enroll my child in Portsmouth Public Schools?

Students must meet certain admission requirements in order to enroll in Portsmouth Public Schools. Primarily, a student must meet age and residency requirements. Learn more on the Eligibility and Enrollment page.

Registration is conducted at the home school; that is, the school serving the child's attendance area. Attendance areas are assigned based on Current Physical Addresses (not Post Office boxes) of the primary residence. Access the Attendance Zone Query here.

Portsmouth Public Schools utilizes an Online Registration tool to gather the majority of student information required for registration. Portsmouth Public Schools recommends that the Online Registration Form be completed prior to visiting your student’s school to present required documentation.

At the time of registration, the parent or legal guardian (proof of guardianship required) must submit required documentation that includes, at a minimum, the Original Child's Birth Certificate and two (2) proofs of residency in Portsmouth. Learn more about required documents here.

There is a different process for enrolling students in preschool. If you are looking to register your child for preschool, please click here for the Preschool Registration webpage.

Note: For assistance registering a child who was not born in the United States or speaks a language other than English, or if the documents needed for school registration were issued in a foreign country, contact the Gifted and Talented, Foreign Languages and ESL Office at 757-393-8885.

How old must a child be to enroll in Kindergarten?

A child must be 5 years old on or before September 30 of the school year when they intend to enroll in kindergarten. This is Virginia state law. Find out more on the Kindergarten Registration page.

Can a parent postpone kindergarten registration?

Yes, any child who has not reached his/her 6th birthday on or before September 30 may be exempted from school attendance until the following year if the parent feels the child is not mentally, physically or emotionally prepared to attend school. In this case, the parent must notify the School Board of the decision to postpone enrollment.

What do we do if we cannot provide some of the required documentation?

If you are unable to produce any of the required documents listed on the Required Documentation page, please contact the school where your child will be registering for information about alternative documents that can be provided in lieu of those documents.