Attendance Matters

Portsmouth Public Schools (PPS) is dedicated to the success of every student in the division. That success begins with students attending school each day. Research has shown there are many benefits for children who attend school regularly, including that they are more likely to graduate on time, have higher earnings in adulthood, and even develop more social skills than those who struggle with absenteeism.

Due to the many documented benefits for children when attending school - and in accordance with attendance laws in the Code of Virginia - the Virginia Department of Education has now included attendance as part of a school’s accreditation status. Consequently, the school division is responsible for ensuring it has exhausted all options to support families in getting their child to school.

If your child is absent, please complete this Notification of Absence Form as soon as possible to keep schools updated and informed.

In addition, PPS has a partnership with EveryDay Labs to help families address their child’s attendance needs. Learn more about their work here: