English Learner Identification

Enrollment is to be completed at the school where the student is zoned. As part of this process, a home language survey (HLS) is completed for every child enrolling and used as a language screening tool. All students are fully registered before any EL program eligibility assessment is done.
Based on information provided on the HLS, the EL Program Specialist will begin the process of determining if the student meets identification requirements for English learner services. Students new to Portsmouth Public Schools take a placement test after they register to see if they meet identification requirements. All English learners are screened in order to measure their proficiency in English. As a result of this placement test, students are designated as "Level 1 Entering", "Level 2 Emerging", "Level 3 Developing", "Level 4 Expanding", or "Level 5 Bridging" based upon the designation criteria of the WIDA Standards as the English Language Proficiency Standards of Virginia. Parents will receive notification of results and if permission is granted (if applicable), English learner services can begin.
The EL staff works with school counselors and building administrators to ensure English learners are properly scheduled into classes that support the student's current proficiency and progress the student toward successful graduation.