Gifted Education Local Advisory Committee

According to the Administrative Code of Virginia ( (8VAC20-40-60 B) ) school division may establish a Local Advisory Committee (LAC) for Gifted Education. The Gifted Education is seeking representatives that will serve on the committees. The advisory committee will meet three times during the school calendar year.


  • The principal or designee of each school, in conjunction with the Gifted Education Coordinator, shall select the parent representative for each school.

  • Every effort will be made to ensure the committee membership reflects the ethnic and geographical composition of the school division.

  • The parent representatives and the community representative are selected for one- or two-year terms, which may be renewed. School division personnel serve as members concurrent with the assignment to their positions.

  • Members choosing not to renew their terms shall notify the chair.

  • The School Board representatives other than the voting member shall serve only as consultants to the committee.

  • Nominations will then be submitted to the School Board for approval and appointment.

  • The Portsmouth Public School Board shall appoint members to the Gifted Education Advisory Committee.