Homebound Education

Homebound Instruction

Homebound instruction is an educational service for students in grades K-12 who are unable to attend school because of temporary, or permanent disability.  The Homebound Office determines eligibility based on medical information submitted by a physician, licensed clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist. Parents must bring the original form to the Homebound office after it has been completed and signed by a physician, licensed clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. Please contact Student Support Services if you have questions about the process.

Regular Homebound      
Click here for application
A short-term service provided for a minimum period of 2 weeks to a maximum of 45 days.  Whenever teachers of elective courses (AP subjects, advanced math and science, foreign languages, etc.) are unavailable or when it is not feasible to teach a course (labs, technology, etc.), the classes will not be offered.

Request for Regular Homebound Extension      
Click here for application
Professional advice is necessary in determining whether or not the student is able to attend school.  Please see the VDOE guidance below.

Re-evaluation is needed for consideration of services being extending.  If it is necessary for homebound instruction to continue beyond nine weeks, an extension or reauthorization form, including treatment plan, progress towards treatment goals, and specific plans to transition the student back to the school setting, will be required. 

Intermittent Homebound    
Click here for application
Any student who has medical documentation of a chronic illness qualifies for intermittent homebound. The parent/guardian is responsible for contacting the school on day of absence and to make arrangements to obtain missed work. Additional educational services will not be provided during the child's absence. While a medical extension request form is not required, updated medical documentation should be submitted for review of continued service.

Homebound forms are available from any school nurse, on the links above, or Office of Student Support Services located at 3651 Hartford Street.  After the doctor has completed the form, the parent/guardian must bring the form to the Office of Student Support Services between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Currently, we are not accepting emailed documents, unless the forms are being submitted directly from the physician's office using a secure link. Should the parent/guardian mail or drop off the forms, we will only accept and process original documents. 

Student/Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

The student and parent/guardian are expected to work cooperatively with the assigned homebound teacher and school personnel to:

  1. Obtain certification from the physician or licensed clinical psychologist requesting homebound services, and complete parental signature forms in order to begin homebound instruction.  The parent/guardian must bring the completed and signed homebound form to the Homebound Office.

  2. Have a responsible adult in the home during the entire period of instruction.

  3. Provide adequate facilities for teaching (quiet room without interruptions, with a table, chairs, appropriate supplies, and no pets or smoking).

  4. Have the student ready for instruction at the time designated by the homebound teacher.

  5. Supervise daily homework.

  6. Notify the teacher, prior to the scheduled visit, if there is a contagious illness in the home or if there is an emergency.

  7. Keep all appointments with the homebound teacher (excessively missed appointments may result in suspension of services).

  8. Make every effort to complete school assignments.

  9. Advise the homebound teacher of any change in the student’s status that would necessitate modification or termination of homebound service.

  10. Notify the School Division Contact, Dr. Angela Flowers, of excessively missed appointments or tardiness by the homebound teacher.

3651 Hartford Street
Portsmouth, VA  23707
757-393-8354 (office)